Thursday, September 29, 2011


hey , how's sept month ? for me , biase jee . raye raye , tired study . blah blah . october no more wasting time i guess . exam soon arrive visit me on the 12st of oct . god bless me . help myself . just study and understand all . amin :) . the face above is so irratating . work out , stressed out , bye sweat ! be happy , okey ? these day , many things keep bother me . what thing leh ? tons . seems like nobody here in my blog , well i've just leave it all out .

yesterday , i was a hard time on me . i guess you dont understand and you'never will . you acted you dont like her , dengki her , keep distance away from her . and etc . but will i know my back did you done anything ? who knows . u pretended so like me . in the end whose hurting ? me . you are heartless beast ! i always take precaution to not let me fall . but , guess what ? you made me cry until my eyes puff . happy ? because of you i cant concentrate in my study , because of you i wanna die ! i hate you to the maximum point !!!! i seriously hate you , you make me wanna die badly !

kelly clarkson - mr.know it all

you dont know a thing of me . :X

Friday, September 23, 2011

i've hooked

since when i fall in love in wearing kebaya ? dont know laa .. lately , dont know been busy what shits ahhh .. tired to maximum . exam left 3/2 weeks . i guess ? thrilled ? yes , i am :D because can work part time after those shits . can dye hair LOL . whatever laa . asalkan boleh freedom mampus

can you testify it ? these few days , i pushed away you from my arms . do you know the reason ? because i scare at the end , we all might be in hurt . you dont understand . i never thought someone like you will like me or love me . i never thought , never dare . everytime you look at me , i turn away . i dont want to amazed by your feelings . you dont know . i dont dare to go near you , because my heart keep stoping me from doing so . you'll never know what i'm hiding . the truth is , i really like you  ♥ i dont wish for any progression . i just wish you'll be mine as a soulmate . i wish you saw this , my capital H ♥ ily .

Friday, September 16, 2011

raye :D

since a long time i never update my blog , right ? is the blogger dead ? nah , blogger dia tu busy sikit la , raya mehy . tambahan , internet kena potong - siok . LOL . back to topic , nak cite sikit raya ! went to my friends house . ieka ! she's so cute & pretty :DDD . went with , shahidah , sida , rabiatul , dayah , wana . BEST la dapat beraye dgn kawan ! meet few friends there too , yunni , syafika , sarah , hazirah , adila , amalina , hidayah .. byk laa !!!


see the pictures :D

kay la , nak stop dulu . anyone notice that i keep wearing the same baju kurung . cause popular demand ! HAHAHAAHA . and i look very messy @@ . whatever la ! this sunday round two ! picture to come more XOXO .

rihanna -, cheer ( drink to that ) . LIKE SERIOUS , SHE'S PRETTY AND HOT ♥

happy malaysia day :D proud to be a malaysian ♥♥

Monday, September 5, 2011


HELLO ! ok fine , its raya :DD selamat hari raya dan maaf zahir batin . forgive and forget those bad things i done :D start over again :) . so , raya ! actually dint go anywhere . raya pertama just went to visit my father and then raya kedua , i went to KL . buat apa ? see my dearest niece -- mia zarra ♥

 aint she cuteee ?? muka semacam dengan autie dia . ehem ! she's just 3 months old ♥ so fast huh ! cant wait to teach her anything or bring her jalan :) . so cute !

my brother and me !! heehee , alike tak ??

hello miss !! nak act cool , save it !

gt money buy what ? buy famous amos pamper myself lah ! LOL

pavilion so bored @@

ok fine , its still the same dress . i lazy to take picture of other baju raya ! lazybum !

out ! no mood to write . sorry ! and i will update ♥