Friday, September 16, 2011

raye :D

since a long time i never update my blog , right ? is the blogger dead ? nah , blogger dia tu busy sikit la , raya mehy . tambahan , internet kena potong - siok . LOL . back to topic , nak cite sikit raya ! went to my friends house . ieka ! she's so cute & pretty :DDD . went with , shahidah , sida , rabiatul , dayah , wana . BEST la dapat beraye dgn kawan ! meet few friends there too , yunni , syafika , sarah , hazirah , adila , amalina , hidayah .. byk laa !!!


see the pictures :D

kay la , nak stop dulu . anyone notice that i keep wearing the same baju kurung . cause popular demand ! HAHAHAAHA . and i look very messy @@ . whatever la ! this sunday round two ! picture to come more XOXO .

rihanna -, cheer ( drink to that ) . LIKE SERIOUS , SHE'S PRETTY AND HOT ♥

happy malaysia day :D proud to be a malaysian ♥♥