Tuesday, December 27, 2011

sexy !

Come on lah , my holiday haven end yet . why should you keep pushing !! there are 4 more days or less , i guess ? LOL . NO MOOD ok !! i know lah , next year form 5 . should i have to keep repeat on it ? so pekcek lah weiii !!

Friday, December 23, 2011

just so you know --

School holiday is going to end soon . Next year , biggest challenge , biggest fear . No doubt , my silji pelajaran malaysia aka . SPM . OH GOSH . STFU . dont talk about now lah ! now its still 2011 , okey ! dont put pressure on me , i'm not gas and air . so no pressure please !


Well , starting from next year , no more facebook !! totally out on my list ! twitter , i cant live without it . So , i'll just stick to twitting and out from facebooking . HAHAHAHA , everyday im twitting ! 2011 is coming to an end . any resolution for next year ? hell do ! LIST OUT !!
  • SPM 
  • tuition as many LOL
  • i wanna be a great senior ! HAHAHAH . actually im gg to bully those junior LMAO
  • after SPM , everyday i'm going out . dont stop mie
  • take my lesen ! barney !! 
how wonderful life can be ! ahhh , relax , calm , cool down !!! HAHAHAHAHA . random post !! i'm going to post up my girls and me picture !! HAHAHAHA . excited **

happy face !!! wink**

my sexy lesbo <3

actually , shannon saw her lover at another escalator LOL

my sexy YEOBO ! hahahaha

what's cant define . its my very excited aka happy face LOL

this christmas , please get ur ass back home 

Friday, December 16, 2011

here is a list of 20 things i like and love the most

  1. my family <3 precious forever 
  2. my friends . all ages , all height , all weight , all faces . yes , you !
  3. my personal belongings 
  4. my cloth and my bags 
  5. my hair , the waveeee XD
  6. high vest and vintage style 
  7. camera . included polaroid , dslr . etc 
  8. my barney (car) LOL
  9. my pillow !! 
  10. my pets <3
  11. chocolate flavored . coco !!
  12. history lesson 
  13. music XD
  14. horror movie (although i cant sleep after watching it )
  15. seeing handsome guys and pretty girls 
  16. shopping !!
  17. eating salty food 
  18. hang out alone :")
  19. guys with humour , responsible , and big eyes with a broad smile 
  20. my 5 pierced ear hole ! LOL ! 
just simple list , in case you wanna know what i like ! random .

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

long long ago !

well , holiday . nothing to do . well , i'll just share some pictures . olds one ! HAHAHAHA XD . keep my life going :)

how much i've changed ? 

hair longer , face more chubby ,brown hair (dye bck black edi ) , nothing different . LOL

Saturday, December 10, 2011

better let go than suffer

heart-broken . i still remember the first time i met you , the first time i glance at you , the first time i talk to you , and the first time i fall for you . moments are so precious back then .you stood there with your gang , talking about the new girl - jeha . nothing much i noticed about you . because back then i take you as a stranger . slowly as time passes , i found you cute . LOL . although not "so" charming , i guess ?

one semester was gone , one night i was chilling playing facebook - as usual . then suddenly popped up a chatbox with your name on it . then we start talking . then you said you like me . i was like :" HAHAHA , this guy is damn funny !" . that conversation i took it as normal . 2nd semester start , i saw big changes in you .  you start to peek at me , watching over me like a guardian angel , keep noticing my every action , seldom talk to me , every-time i see you , you will turn away . i thought to myself :" strange" . well , a feeling start to grow in my heart like so thunderstruck .slowly , i'm falling for you too .

everything just like usual . but suddenly one time , a girl meet me up and said a lot a things to me . i felt like that time its not meeting , its like starting a war . well , that girl actually like him , but he rejected her . he told her , someone stole his heart . she ask me weather i know about this . i was like :" why me ? -.-'' " . then i ask him about this issue , well he finally admit it . damn ! nothing much particular . at the beginning , we are not a couple . we are just mates , mates that very intimate , feed each other , wearing the same g-shock  . ahhh , everyone was so envy about it . then some bullshits happen , just dont understand , why we cant be together . he simply found an excuse saying now its not the right time . so fed up . that was the old issue

but now , we are together . but things seems not so right . i lost confidents to maintain this relationship . i completely lost it . so i decided to end it . i said to him that :" let be friends in the moment " he keep like :" why ? what happen ? can you tell me please ? WHY ! " . clearly he dont want to let go . he keep calling me / msg me . he text me , the last message was surely touching : did you know that , when i eat , i thk of you . when i sleep , i thk of you , when i watch tv , i thk of you . when i go cs , i thk of  you . whatever i do , i thk of you . i cant afford losing you , my dear . that message surely hold my heart back . but now .. i cant stop thinking about leaving him . goshhh .. someone , tell me how to do please .

one minute of love suddenly , its like a battlefield