Saturday, July 30, 2011

i had nothing but ur picture

firstly , i miss you guys . i truly miss you guys . wish i were there :"( my JASS ♥ MUAHHHH
hello and how are you ? me ? i'm always so OK-OK . went to pick up barney came to home .. hmm , barney ?

NO , not this one !

itssss ... TA-DA

just a small car ! HEHEHEEH ♥

barney is as cute as the small owner -.-

why im so cacat :S

i love barney's sexy back !

i'm so auntie ! HAHAHAH


and for sis , she just came back from her dream-land . and she brought cloth !! hahahah . love you la apek ♥

LASTLY , IM READY TO RAYA !! but haven fasting , wanna raya ? repent please

whatever !

"So confused wanna ask you if you love me but I don't wanna seem so weak" .
i adore this song . shut up and listen to those lyrics . you 'll know what i mean .

Friday, July 29, 2011

sushi !!!

hellooo !! gonna try to post how to make sushi ! its VERY easy to make , swear to god !

firstly prepare these stuff
  • calrose rice
  • seaweed ( espacially for making sushi)
  • cucumber ( try to buy japanese cucumber )
  • vinegar
  • salt
  • bamboo roller ( daiso are selling )
  • crab

this is the crab i'm talking about . HAHAHAH

use this vinegar also can make sushi ♥ or try a better one , rice vinegar !

bamboo roller :D

the sexy cucumber ♥

no least the seaweed !


rise the rice and cook as usual ! BUT remember to add 1 teaspoon of salt before cook the rice . that mean after you rise the rice , sprinkle salt into the rice with water

then after the rice is cooked pour 2-4 spoonful of vinegar and stir it

clear the seeds in the cucumber , try to cut thin pieces

the crab just steam to keep the taste remained and cut tiny

saw the yellow line ? that means the seaweed also hv pattern . put the pattern as same on the bamboo roller

scoop one spoonful of rice and push separately on the seaweed , as show .

put crab and cucumber near to the edge of the seaweed , and spread some mayonnaise

AND ROLL . roll half way to close those isi and roll back . put the sushi to the edge and ready for a second round . second round is fully roll .

squeeze tightly , not too strong lah , later the sushi split out -.-


easy , right ? just try lahh , no fail , i ensure you ♥

you want it so much , fight for yourself !

# selamat puasa ♥

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


what kind of hair i have ? i'm so fed up with these hair , wanted to cut . but i think better no ! HAHAHA . exam again ? okey lah , i'll do my best :D

i'm not pretty as you , i'm not good as you . i know . i dont care what differences between us . you are who you are . i'm who i am . we both dont have to jealous over a small thing . i'v used so much time just to envy you , hmm worth ? nah , just waste . you perfection made me stronger . that made you lose me . wait until those shits finished , i'm as free as a bird . i can be style as i want , i dont need your compliment or criticize . till that you reliaze you are mean to me .

so many stuff wanna do after SPM . alah , jeha form 4 belom habis , nak fikir after form 5 dah . lame -.-

  • learn undang after my bday :D
  • maybe PLKN -.-
  • party till dawn♥
  • SHOPPING until no money♥
  • work like workaholic
  • buy DSLR ♥
  • cut my unisex hair ♥
  • learn breakdance ♥

MUM said :" lu nak buat after SPM , please go ahead . i wont care you anymore !" . i bet your parent said like this ! HAHAHA !!

this song nice ♠♣ BANG BANG BANG

another great song from dev ♥ DANCE IN THE DARK

Saturday, July 23, 2011

i'm undefinable

i had nothing to write , so i shall just share photo . my blog so boring -.- HAHAHAH

i super miss my short hair and that starbuck tee-shirt :"(

ohw , i miss this place too :X hutan bandar ♥

this picture was two year ago , when i so crazy over the straw hat ♥

i cant forget this too :X i miss my sexy leg :o LOL just kidding

more or less , i still miss my BOB :(

couple dress ♥ i miss how min :DD


my shops are situated at KL ! LOLSSS

that's all :D

i'm still fear about my future D:

Thursday, July 21, 2011


ehh , why the other girl covered her face huh ? HAHAHAHA

JULY is going to pass , AUGUST hello :D fasting month again and then its raya ♥ yeah , so happy for that :)) . july , sad month ? alah , tak kesah pun ! just looking foward to end this year ! wth -.- HAHAHAHA

I always said to you i'm alone , you said you'll understand . but .. really ? those empty word , you just try to fill the empty space in my heart . you dont know how much meant when you talk to me or bump in me . NAH , you pun tak tahu pun . everyday , you came across my mind , and everyday i remind your smiles , so true ; so right .

but i'll guess i'm ready to forget you .

Sunday, July 17, 2011

go die lu !



*People say you cannot live without love. Well, oxygen is more important.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

you might think

one thing i was confirm that , i never regret i reject your date this time . HAHAHAHA

my dear !

nothing much , just walk around and watch hp 7 . not bad la . saw many familiar faces . LOL

im moody

Saturday, July 9, 2011

imma fireball

daredevil . red lips look scary -.-

any motivation ? nak exam again -.- seems like every month exam . LOL . whatever , exam is a part of student's life . HAHAHAHA . Last week , i heard my friend talking about a girl was kill and was cut apart and burn . she's 16 yrs old and study in tmn universiti . which is near my house . what can i do is just pray for her and hope the killer get punish and die .

pathetic the girl . being kill was still fine . But what for cut apart her body ? the murderer must be psycho . why always the victim is girl ? first was what acid case , now murder case . so complicated . how am i going to go out with this situation -.- better take my ridsect spray to spray bad guys . LOL !

i wanna be a guy :(

my sis said : you look so scary !

i tried to copy her pose . but i seems to fail . she look more sexier . but too bad she dont have two moles !! hahahaahah .

be happy and forget the unhappy moment ♥

Friday, July 8, 2011

we live in a awful world

i've changed drastically . thank to you . those time you used me , its mine time to used you . get ready faker ! all the time you acted so innocent yet you look so rotten . dont bother to ask me who , if you asked means you know you are the one .

after those useful lesson , i learn to become stronger and fought for myself . i hate you . CB ! i'm not a bitch that can be messed up , u thought what ? everyone got a heart of gold like me ? PUII . tear off your mask check through please .

*you careful you word , and tunggu kena sepak .


since when my blog was a place to scold people ? damn , ruined my image -.- . i'll delete those unhappy moment and post up happy thing ! LOL .

happy :D