Saturday, July 9, 2011

imma fireball

daredevil . red lips look scary -.-

any motivation ? nak exam again -.- seems like every month exam . LOL . whatever , exam is a part of student's life . HAHAHAHA . Last week , i heard my friend talking about a girl was kill and was cut apart and burn . she's 16 yrs old and study in tmn universiti . which is near my house . what can i do is just pray for her and hope the killer get punish and die .

pathetic the girl . being kill was still fine . But what for cut apart her body ? the murderer must be psycho . why always the victim is girl ? first was what acid case , now murder case . so complicated . how am i going to go out with this situation -.- better take my ridsect spray to spray bad guys . LOL !

i wanna be a guy :(

my sis said : you look so scary !

i tried to copy her pose . but i seems to fail . she look more sexier . but too bad she dont have two moles !! hahahaahah .

be happy and forget the unhappy moment ♥