Saturday, August 20, 2011

still as ever

why should i stress for you everyday ? its not worth it . one thing i'm sure , i already decided to forget you and wipe you off . its already 4 months we known each other , but its better to remain as a unknown stranger . i dont hate you , i just seriously dont like you treat me . whatever lah ! HAHAHAHAAH . still very cheerful , nothing will bring me down .

bruno mars also stress . ahahahahah ♥ i love him XD

and .. i received one news .. 2pm is COMING TO MALAYSIA and SINGAPORE ♥♥

NOVEBMER 19TH: Singapore - Indoor Stadium

NOVEMBER 27TH: Malaysia - Stadium Negara

ARE YOU READY ? but i haven decided got go or not . no money !!! HAHAHAH . got to earn first , but till then the consert its over -.- . NICKHUN !! i'll meet you at thailand hor !

nothing much to post . stay tune for next week , meet my BABES

i miss them ♥♥ muah muah ! meet up okey ! shannon.tms and BEP