Thursday, June 30, 2011

paranoid ?

Sorry for my sunglass again == suffer by its owner .

it took a year to write me a malay essay -.-

all i ever wanted was BRUNO MARS ♥

remembered that night always

shocking face ?

im living my life like a bubble

i ♥ tms very much !

lol , just random picture -.- whatever !

so sexy !! imaging i look like her . HMMM .. puke*

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


obsession kills !

when will this feeling s
tops ?

i hate love quote,
but i cant help myself from loving the meanings

Monday, June 27, 2011

our stories

something to share . hope this post will give you all something to feel ♥

When the time in the past, we forget we once loved righteousness to a people care nothing,
forget his gentle, forget everything he did for me.
I told him no feeling, I do not love him.
because We love for the original lost years.
First love makes you forget time, then is the time to make you forget love


Sometimes crying not because of sadness
there is something missing on the life
people are bound to miss a constant commitment to hold a fickle heart,
but could not restrain a burden sometimes persistence is a relief to people not to give up
Perfect happiness is not a hundred points
one has to know they can not afford so many have no authority to require
otherwise suffer so much embarrassed myself the other

有一些东西错过了 就一辈子错过了
人是会变的 守住一个不变的承诺 却守不住一颗善变的心
有时候执着是一种负担 放弃是一种解脱
人没有完美 幸福没有一百分
知道自己没有能力一次拥有那么多 也没有权力要求那么多
否则苦了自己 也为难了对方

You are a self-esteem let me down
You're the first person I willing to do everything for you who
you are first let me so sad is
you are the first person you hurt me so thoroughly is
you are the first person Let me see you my life is more important than other
you are first person i cant let go

did you knew all this ?



Saturday, June 25, 2011

forever is how long

face of disappointment .

how many month until the next holiday ? i guess .. around 2 month . and the next holiday is on RAYA !!! omggg , i cant wait for it ! seriously , i never felt excited since i was in my old school , now im transfer to a surrounding with more malay friends . i get so excited !!!! they make the spirit get high even though the festival haven arrive yet ! LOL . hahahhahaha .

btw , something to confess about ! i ♥ my 4sn4 .
what a class that i been through ! everyday our class like so meriah ! and everybody laughing and teasing each other . teacher often say our class so bersatu padu wor . hahahaha . hmm .. not class photo seh .. just got boys group de . yieer dint call girls together take -.-

4sn4 's bosses . LOL

hope we'll get girls group shooting together !!! hahahah XDD . 4sn4 forever ♥

Friday, June 24, 2011

you - heart

back to bloggie again . Hi aka salam ! LOL . school life is getting quite ok . just smile to face it . i still look very childish in my school uniform -.- when i get moody i tell to my bloggie . so why im here to tell it .

sometimes , its hard to be yourself in this world . sometimes , not everything is sweet in this world . people dont really shows true personality in them . sometimes , they fake it just to prevent something to happen . but OVER -fake can cause haters . i dont understand why people have to buat melampau , cakap lebih . please lah ! dont make yourself so perfect okey ? you dont understand yourself at all , still acted you know . weii its disgusting ! The best thing you can do its just sit quite and keep your mouth shut .

perempuan tak semesti-nya cantek untuk mandapatkan kasih syg drpd orang lain kan ? this question always passes through my mind . not that im jealous , just sometimes we have to think twice to confirm it . yes , you are pretty ! but when you are pretty , jagan buat terlalu over . its one sight can see through you overacted . muka cantek , but .. hati busuk . what's the point ? no one said you cant feel pretty and dress pretty , just you have to behave and keep it well . you know what i mean ?

its hard to see trough a person's personality . sometimes , you'll never know what's hidden underneath those lies . once you discover , its too late ..

*sorry for my rojak post . i'm a typical Malaysian what ! LOL

Thursday, June 23, 2011

a penny for ur thoughts

i'm old already . 16 yrs old . i should stop behaving like 9 yrs old -.-

Monday, June 13, 2011

super power

OLA ! so before facing to school went to clean my ass at cs . walk randomly and watched super 8 ! OMG . the movie was like 2 thumbs up !!! love it ! you'll never know what's the movie by looking at the poster !


they are fliming a movie called 'the case' LOL . FUNNY !

before shenna rei reach i walk randomly with my casual wear . crowded as usual . after she reached i changed to a more cute dress . LOL . see the picture lah !

after then , went to starbuck for coffee !! XDD

choco tuxedo . too bad shan dint taste it LOL



that's all , bye ! muakss

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


HI again . no picture , just words to bitch out .

so .. how was your holiday ? fun ? for me , its boring . school is re-opening soon . like what the hell ? i haven had enough yet . 2 more week till i become 16 yrs old . i'm not 20 yrs old . lol , i'm not that old la . maybe this year's birthday wont be any special to me . oh well , usual usual ... no one celebrate , no one giving me present . i'm get used already . so well .. anything to said again jeha ? ughh nope nope :(

random for my blog a while :

10 things i hate the most
seriously i dont know . -.-

10 things i love the most
night life
and ... HIM

Sunday, June 5, 2011

its been a tiring day

hey , back to blog again . so today , go for a nerd style . LOL . lazy to make-up and mix and match . bored . so when outing with soulmate , my R !! primary friend :) . such a fine day when outing with my sweetheart ! when to old place , cs .

lollipop !

when to mcD for lunch . MC chicken is my babey ! hahahah . laugh like omg wth ? she say 'jeha can u stop crak jokes and laugh like a mad monkey ? ' damn , i love laugh like hell ! wahahahaha

say feweup !

i look seriously need a make-up ! -.-

walking the way like a B-girl and look sibeh nerd than R . whatever ! i dont care ! ahahahaha . when the ground floor get a hat from SP . 10 bucks only . cheap until laugh ! dont know why i fall in love with hats recently !

say HI to my hot BOXER hat

that's all ! bye XD

Friday, June 3, 2011


HIII !!!

SO , wednesday went to town with my sexy girl , shannon tms . LOL . what to do , holidays ? go out and gossip laa ! i arrived there first . damn , sibeh crowded loh ! many malays there -.- i'm also malay what ! hahaha . ahyoo , people couple , i coulple with girl . LESBIAN ! HAHAHAHA . when to walk randomly and watched movie

voice from the grave . hmm , i dont understand ! like hello ? so random the scenes ! but one thing is not logic is during the whole movie the actress never change her cloth . NEVER . sibeh weird loh ! .

After the movie , walk randomly ! lazy to elaborate la , see picture !



ah khun !!

walao ! i saw lengzai ! hahaahah

im in love

lenglui worr

fail shot -.-

the end !