Friday, June 24, 2011

you - heart

back to bloggie again . Hi aka salam ! LOL . school life is getting quite ok . just smile to face it . i still look very childish in my school uniform -.- when i get moody i tell to my bloggie . so why im here to tell it .

sometimes , its hard to be yourself in this world . sometimes , not everything is sweet in this world . people dont really shows true personality in them . sometimes , they fake it just to prevent something to happen . but OVER -fake can cause haters . i dont understand why people have to buat melampau , cakap lebih . please lah ! dont make yourself so perfect okey ? you dont understand yourself at all , still acted you know . weii its disgusting ! The best thing you can do its just sit quite and keep your mouth shut .

perempuan tak semesti-nya cantek untuk mandapatkan kasih syg drpd orang lain kan ? this question always passes through my mind . not that im jealous , just sometimes we have to think twice to confirm it . yes , you are pretty ! but when you are pretty , jagan buat terlalu over . its one sight can see through you overacted . muka cantek , but .. hati busuk . what's the point ? no one said you cant feel pretty and dress pretty , just you have to behave and keep it well . you know what i mean ?

its hard to see trough a person's personality . sometimes , you'll never know what's hidden underneath those lies . once you discover , its too late ..

*sorry for my rojak post . i'm a typical Malaysian what ! LOL