Saturday, January 7, 2012

the start

how true is this !

HELLO !! how's school ?? for me , dont even ask about it . its just for 3 days , homework is already like mountain . every morning waking up with stress and fear . phobia for sure . my classmate still the same , no changes . my form teacher is so much , for sure FIERCE . dont ask about it . dont bother make me feel so stress . Being senior , sure was a great thing . the big boss , can bully junior . LOL , just kidding . everything seems so fast , the time , the day . at the end of the day , when you think back like i've not dont much thing . 
 i've abandon all my stuff , no more make-up , taking care my face nor pimple , no more handphone , facebook and everything that meant to me  . life goes on . just for the first week , i felt like 20 kg of pressure is on me . with all those pressure coming from the teachers , parent and friends . so damn insecure . Form 5 life must go on !! Just , continue walking . if trip , stand up again and continue walking . no matter how hard the road is ,  hope i can continue my journey and get good result ! hello great life !