Monday, May 30, 2011

7 days of summer is sufficient

this candy ! i'm ♥ it ! sweet till your throat :D . STICKY CANDY ♥

holiday is so boring :x . this holiday was full of suprise ! candy and bb camera . enough liao XDD .

Saturday, May 28, 2011

my bb

ola ! so happy now !

WHY ? ahha , u know what it is ! my babey camera ♥ although not very branded or professional . but who cares ? now i can share those picture!!! now my blog can full of picture !!! so , i brought a compact camera ! nikon coolpix s710 .

like this ! similar as mine . XDD

its good ! i love it ! nag for this camera for an age ! FINALLY ♥ thanks mummy , i will filial to you !!! i will be a good daughter ♥ so went to test .. lets see the result !

love this effect !!!! XDD

PRETTY mummy ♥ not alike me :(

now , i shall stop here ! byeeee !!!! more picture to come !

Friday, May 27, 2011

u never told me

so how long you played on me ? one or two month ? it felt so strange when the distance far apart . i always know , there's will never be love for me . i always known . i dont care . why should i be paranoid ?

who should care for me , who should stand for me , who will be my shoulder , who should say ily , who should i cried to . is it you ? if no , dont fool on me . F* ur life to fool with me . i'm not your replacement for toy or perfumes . i'm a human with soul !

it felt perfect when a girl was with her make-up on . dont you ? thick eyelashes , thick eyeliner , think concealer , thick foundation . everything is thick as needed . when the day is over , you can wait to tear your face off . look in to the mirror with no make-up , sometimes it felt disgusting . disgusted , yes , i'm .

tired of this life . damn !
*dont like my blog then shut down , i wont mind. after i got my camera , it will full of bitches picture !

Monday, May 16, 2011


window significant a sadness that never been disappear before .

Just like how we used to argue , throwing temper , seek for forgiveness , try to make up . but .. window have no partner to argue and mend up . window its always alone and sad . you cant never know what's the true stories behind .

i'm ugly with my smile . but i dedicate this picture to you . because you made me feel better and help me gone through the night ! thx dude :)

and to my dearest boy , M . i'm still figuring out that night you said to me . ily